
10 Best AI Astrology tools

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For centuries, astrology has been our guide to the stars, offering insights into character, relationships, and life paths through Vedic charts, Western signs, and more. But the heavens are getting a tech upgrade. AI astrology websites are merging tradition with algorithms, delivering personalized readings on-the-go. Promising speed, affordability, and accuracy, these platforms aim to unlock your unique astrological potential.

Ready to explore? We’ll delve into top AI astrology sites, comparing features, pros, cons, and pricing. Let’s find your perfect platform for navigating the digital cosmos.

How Does AI Astrology Tools Work?

AI astrology tools take the ancient practice of celestial interpretation and inject it with a dose of modern machine learning. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Data Input: It all starts with you. These tools ask for your birth details – date, time, and location. This information is crucial for creating your natal chart, a map of the planetary positions at the exact moment you entered the world.
  2. Astrological Knowledge Base: AI isn’t starting from scratch. These tools are fed vast datasets of astrological knowledge – planetary meanings, aspects (interactions between planets), and established interpretations.
  3. AI Algorithms at Work: Here’s where the magic (or math) happens. The AI engine analyzes your natal chart, drawing connections between planetary positions and their astrological meanings. Think of it as a super-powered astrologer sifting through mountains of information.
  4. Personalized Insights: Based on the analysis, the AI generates a personalized report. This might include details about your personality traits, potential career paths, or compatibility with others. Imagine a horoscope tailored just for you, not just your sun sign.
  5. Learning and Evolving: Some AI astrology tools take it a step further. By analyzing user feedback and vast amounts of data over time, the AI can continuously refine its interpretations, potentially leading to more accurate predictions.

It’s important to remember that AI astrology tools are still under development. While they offer a fascinating glimpse into the future of personalized astrology, they shouldn’t replace your critical thinking or a consultation with a professional astrologer.

Popular AI Astrology Tools in 2024

1. Vedic AstroGPT 

AI Astrology Tools

Vedic AstroGPT is a new website that uses Indian astrology and modern intelligence technology. It allows you to ask questions about astrology and get answers quickly. Although it has only been live for 3 months, more than 100,000 people have registered.

Key Features:

  • You can ask your own personal astrology questions
  • It gives detailed answers for astrology fans, and simplified answers for everyday users
  • Answers come quickly, usually within a few minutes
  • The service has been consistent since it started
  • It’s easy to use and get insights
  • It checks your birth details to make sure they are accurate


Vedic AstroGPT offers a freemium model, with a basic version available at no cost and premium features accessible through subscription plans ranging from $9.99 to $29.99 per month.


4.5/5 This website seems to offer a very robust and user-friendly astrology service powered by AI.

2. Ask The Oracle

AI Astrology Tools

Ask The Oracle is a website that uses a smart computer program to give information about astrology, dream meanings, tarot cards, and numbers. It works by looking at your zodiac sign or the date and time you were born. The computer program was made by a company called OpenAI.

Key Features:

  • Tells you about your zodiac sign and what it means
  • Explains what your dreams mean
  • Reads tarot cards for you
  • Gives information based on numbers
  • Has a fun love calculator based on zodiac signs


Ask The Oracle offers a free trial period, with premium access starting at $19.99 per month or an annual subscription option at $199.99 per year.


4/5 This service provides a wide range of astrological and divination tools

3. Kundali GPT

AI Astrology Tools

Kundali GPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that gives personalized astrological readings and answers questions based on your horoscope. It uses Indian astrological knowledge to make your horoscope chart from your birth details.

Key Features:

  • Available as a mobile app and website
  • Website allows free questions, app requires subscription
  • Website has advertisements
  • Sometimes website is hard to use because of too many ads
  • Responses are very short


Kundali GPT offers a freemium model, with a basic version available at no cost and premium features accessible through subscription plans ranging from $14.99 to $39.99 per month.


3.5/5 Kundali GPT seems to offer a straightforward astrological chatbot experience

4. Jeffrey Celavie

AI Astrology Tools

Jeffrey Celavie is a website that blends artificial intelligence technology with different cultural astrology systems from India, the West, and China. It takes data from NASA about the planets and stars to calculate your unique astral map, which shows the positioning of the celestial bodies. It then interprets this map using the principles of astrology from the three traditions to generate your personalized zodiac horoscope and predictions. However, during the review, the website was not working properly.

Key Features:

  • Uses AI and machine learning for predictions
  • Combines Vedic, Western, and Chinese astrology
  • Uses NASA astronomical data
  • Provides your astral map
  • Gives your zodiac horoscope


Jeffrey Celavie offers a free trial period, with premium access starting at $24.99 per month or an annual subscription option at $249.99 per year.


3/5 This website’s blending of multiple astrological traditions with AI and NASA data is an ambitious concept.

5. AstroNidan

AI Astrology Tools

AstroNidan gives you free general astrology readings based on your birth chart. It also analyzes your Ayurvedic body type of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The free readings give an overview but are not highly personalized. For more specialized consultations like marriage compatibility, you need to pay. Certain sections of readings like career predictions are still under development. The unique blend of Indian astrology, computers, and Ayurveda body analysis sets AstroNidan apart, though paid services get you the most customized experience.

Key Features:

  • Free basic horoscope readings
  • Uses Ayurveda body type analysis
  • Paid services for special readings like marriage
  • General free readings, not super personal
  • Some sections like career still being built


Free and premium plans ranging from $12.99 to $29.99 per month.


4/5 AstroNidan’s combination of free general horoscope readings

Also Read: AI tools for Healthcare Professionals

6. Hint 

AI Astrology Tools

Hint is an AI tool that gives personalized astrological insights. It uses NASA data and expert astrological knowledge to provide customized guidance, compatibility reports, and lifestyle recommendations to help you live a happier, healthier life.

Key Features:

  • Personalized Astrological Guidance
  • Compatibility Reports
  • Lifestyle Recommendations
  • NASA Data Integration
  • Expert Astrological Knowledge


  • Basic: Free
  • Premium: $9.99/month
  • Professional: $29.99/month


Average rating: 4.7/5 stars (based on 1,200 reviews)

Official Link: https://topai.tools/t/hint

7. Stardust

AI Astrology Tools

Stardust is a smart device that provides detailed information about hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. By monitoring your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels, it can help you understand how these hormones affect you.

Key Features:

  • Personalized cycle tracking
  • Hormone level analysis
  • Mood and body change insights
  • Tailored recommendations
  • Integration with your cycle


  • Monthly subscription: $9.99
  • Annual plan: $99.99
  • Reviews and Ratings:


Average rating: 4.8/5 stars (based on 950 reviews)

8. Selfgazer 

AI Astrology Tools

Selfgazer is an AI-powered platform that offers a unique twist on self-discovery. Through tarot-inspired readings, it explores your subconscious, providing insightful psychological perspectives for your entertainment and personal growth.

Key Features:

  • AI algorithms analyze your inputs to generate personalized tarot card interpretations
  • Unlock a deeper understanding of your inner thoughts, emotions, and motivations
  • Interactive and visually appealing user experience
  • AI continuously improves to provide more accurate and insightful readings
  • Access on desktop, mobile, or tablet


  • Basic: Free
  • Premium: $12.99/month
  • Yearly Premium: $99.99/year


4.6/5 stars (based on 800 reviews)

9. Tarot Master 

AI Astrology Tools

Tarot Master combines AI and astrology to provide personalized tarot readings, offering round-the-clock spiritual guidance and self-exploration without the need for appointments.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered tarot readings for personalized insights
  • Seamless integration of astrology and tarot
  • 24/7 accessibility for spiritual guidance
  • No appointment necessary
  • Comprehensive self-discovery tools


  • Free trial available
  • Subscription plans starting at $9.99/month

Reviews and Ratings:

4.8 out of 5 stars on the App Store

4.7 out of 5 stars on Google Play

10. PlotGPT 

AI Astrology Tools

ChatGPT’s Data Analyst can take your prompts and turn them into informative visuals. It can create infographics and provide data-driven insights on various topics, from investment opportunities to potential soulmates.

Key Features:

  • Transforms prompts into compelling infographics
  • Provides data-driven insights on investment ideas, locations, and more
  • Generates statistics and visualizations using tables and charts
  • Tailors analysis to a wide range of topics, from finance to relationships
  • Delivers concise, actionable information


  • Basic Plan: $9.99/month
  • Pro Plan: $19.99/month
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing

Reviews and Ratings:

4.9 out of 5 stars on the App Store

4.8 out of 5 stars on Google Play

11. Tarotnova 

AI Astrology Tools

Tarot Nova is an AI-powered tarot card reading tool that provides personalized guidance on love, career, and life choices. Users can receive daily free draws and intuitive card selections for a private and unbiased experience, similar to consulting a trusted confidant.

Key Features:

  • Personalized Tarot Readings
  • Daily Free Draws
  • Intuitive Card Selection
  • Private and Unbiased Guidance
  • Trusted Companion-like Experience


Reviews and Ratings:

4.7 out of 5 stars on the App Store

4.6 out of 5 stars on Google Play

12. Spiritual Meaning

AI Astrology Tools

Spiritual Meaning Discover the hidden meaning behind your dreams, spirituality, symbols and angel numbers with our free dream interpretation tool. Just enter a detailed description of your dream; Our tool will provide a personalized interpretation that will help you gain self-awareness and spiritual understanding.

Key Features:

  • Instant and personalized dream interpretations
  • Explore the spiritual aspect of your dreams
  • Stay updated with the latest articles on spiritual meanings
  • Connect with us on social media for more valuable insights
  • Your dreams remain completely private


Reviews and Ratings:

4.8 out of 5 stars on the App Store

4.7 out of 5 stars on Google Play

Also Read: AI CRM Tools


AI astrology tools are like a portal to a future where the wisdom of the cosmos is readily accessible and personalized. They offer a convenient, fast, and often affordable way to delve deeper into your unique astrological makeup. While these tools shouldn’t replace your own intuition or the expertise of a professional astrologer, they can be a valuable resource for self-discovery and navigating life’s journey. So, the next time you find yourself gazing at the stars, consider letting AI be your celestial compass, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe.

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Abp Dainik
Author: Abp Dainik

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